Dark Matter Hudokai Launch

Dark Matter Hudokai Launch – Devlog Update

Hello everyone!

As we stand on the verge of launching Dark Matter Hudokai (3 and a half hour to go)

 I wanted to take a moment to share our journey and some hard-earned advice with you. 

Dark Matter Hudokai was born 12 years ago when Ed (my fellow developer) and I (Lee) were helping a friend with his garden. From those humble beginnings, we've poured our hearts and souls into this project. It's surreal to finally be here, ready to share it with all of you.

1. Scope: Keep It Manageable (Or Not…)

One of the biggest lessons we've learned is the importance of managing the scope of your project. We dreamed big—three galaxies, twelve fully explorable planets, each with intricate storylines and countless features. And guess what? That’s exactly what we built… because we’re stubborn.

But here's our advice: always consider the scale of what you're building. Do you really need every feature you’ve imagined? Can some be simplified or saved for future updates? Keep your vision clear, but don’t let ambition become your enemy.

 2. Expectations: Embrace Change

The original version of *Dark Matter Hudokai* was built on RPG Maker VX using Ruby 2, which had its limitations and a steep learning curve. Because of this, we had to sacrifice our ideal action RPG battle system for a simpler, turn-based side view. But it didn’t stop us from creating something we were proud of.

In 2016, we switched to RPG Maker VX Ace, which allowed us to bring our true vision to life. Sometimes, unexpected changes can lead to better outcomes. Don’t be afraid to adapt and pivot when needed—what seems like a setback might just be a step in the right direction.

3. Willingness to Learn: Keep Growing

The biggest challenge in game development is the learning curve—plain and simple. When we started *Dark Matter Hudokai*, we had only one small RPG under our belt. We envisioned a universe and set out to build it, but it required us to pick up a multitude of new skills along the way:

- Coding

- Pixel Art

- Hosting Auditions

- Marketing

- Writing

- And learning to keep going, even when you can’t stand to look at the project anymore.

Most importantly, we learned to finish what we started. 

We’d like to thank everyone who has been part of the Dark Matter Hudokai journey over the years. We hope you enjoy playing as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it. It’s free to download, so dive in!

Thank you for your time.


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